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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Do you hear me, I'm talking to you...
Across the water, across the deep blue ocean..
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying..
Boy I hear you in my dreams..
I feel your whisper across the sea..
I keep you with me in my heart..
You make it easier when life gets hard..
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend..
Lucky to have been where I have been..
Lucky to be coming home again..
They don't know how long it takes..
Waiting for a love like this..
Every time we say goodbye..
I wish we had one more kiss..
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will..
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend..
Lucky to have been where I have been..
Lucky to be coming home again..
I'm lucky we're in love in every way..
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed..
Lucky to be coming home someday..
And so I'm sailing through the sea..
To an island where we'll meet..
You'll hear the music, fill the air..
I'll put a flower in your hair..
Though the breezes through trees..
Move so pretty, you're all I see..
As the world keeps spinning round..
You hold me right here right now..
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend..
Lucky to have been where I have been..
Lucky to be coming home again..
I'm lucky we're in love in every way..
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed..
Lucky to be coming home someday...


5:23 AM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yeay! I'm done with job training with The Esplanade.. a list of 9 modules altogether.. Well, nonetheless, I did learn alot despite of some sleepy occasions during training.. lol.. and late meals.. I'm happy to say now that I will be able to officially start working in Esplanade by late October.. =)

My PP report has also been approved and I'm happy to say that I can now start on my board presentation for the F.P! Way the go... it is also happening in the late October.. but first I have to set a date with my PP advisor to finalize the details.. I was hoping that I could finish it up before Raya.. hmmmm... Right. haha.

Hmm anyways, talking bout Hari Raya.. it is 4 more days before 'Syawal'.... It will be sad to leave this holy month of Ramadan. Everytime the 'takbir' sung.. overwhelming sorrows always hits me. I'm don't know if I did try to make the best of Ramadan this year.. hmm..

Well, anyways, I'm wearing blue this year.. It's NICE man! heh.. ok watever fit.. I bought it like really 2weeks ago.. just want to get the hassle of shopping at the claustrophobic+packed+hot Geylang Serai, done and over with and also to avoid not getting the size that i needed.. My mum picked it out for me AS USUAL. She has good taste in traditional clothes. =)

The best thing about Ramadan is... I ge to spend more time with my family, despite our busy schedules, we do make time to break-fast and 'Sahur' together occasionally which is really great. My dad's helping out at the Bazaar at Geylang this year, selling carpets so he's fairly at home.. =( but yea, we do say HI to him whenever we dropby Geylang for more shopping.. heh. My dear lil bruder kept his promise and did not break his fast unneccesarily and has so far been fasting full till today. I'm like really proud of him.. =) chey deh bah...

Oh yar..My bro will be performing DK barat for Children's Day cum Hari Raya celebration in his sch.. but I couldn't watch him because I have class... boo hoo.. I saw the 'Baju Kurung' he was suppose to wear for performance,he brought it home.. super grand la.. Red with shiny silver dots on it.. he kept practising at home.. so cute. "Ewah ewah.. clap clap**" .. ok I'm crappin'.. Imma noob in DK barat.. hope he had fun performing it!

BTW.. you guys should catch 'MAMMAMIA' .. It's really awesome man.. loved it! Recommended if you are into Abba or musicals. I was like singing my heart out on almost every song.. lol.. there's even lyrics to sing along to.. like karaoke.. best la.. I bet the other patrons were singing along too.. haha.. Meryl Streep was just awesome.. I loved it when she sang, "The winner takes it all.." I did not know that she sings. Cool beans..

My lil sis, Hana will be performing in a school Musical Production, Grease, at ITE College East Simei from Nov 14-16. I'll update more details soon..

Ok i gotta sleep now.. Tomorrow is gonnabe a long day .. of Workinggggg..... Takecare peeps.. Wishing all Family and friends.. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin.. IN ADVANCE.. haha..

k BYE!



10:37 AM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I was reading the entry i wrote yesterday and i was like.. OMGosssh... that's bloody EMO. gaahh... ok I'm all better now.. today.. it's a brand new day.. I dun like literally hate myself.. perhaps only at somethings that i do... Imperfections of human beings.. it's unavoidable..I'm sure all of you can relate to that..

I just finished my work.. today's problem was easier than last week's.. hmm. Thank you God..
Going off to Esplanade later for my second last training module.. Hopefully I won't doze off.. I had barely 3hours of sleep.. zZzZ



2:45 PM

I hate myself..
I hate it whenever I looked in the mirror..
I hate the reflection that I see..
I feel like screaming.. but not as much as my heart does..
Crying does not seem to give me comfort..
A temporary remedy..
My soul is dying....
My mind is clouded.. just as my sight..
I can't see..Its too dark..
I messed things up.. just like I did to myself..
and to your life..
Every simple things gets complicated..
You said sorry..
while I should be the one to say it..
You gave in..
Blaming yourself for MY mess..
but still, You did not give up on me..
Holding on to everything that you possibly can..
Never stop giving..
Never expecting anything..
I still hurt you..
That is what I always do..
I don't deserve you..
You don't deserve this..
Your life should be filled with happiness..
but All i did in the end is cause you more pain than less..
I never mean it..
I swear..
I hate myself for causing you pain..
Sorry for everything..
You mean so much to me..
I want you to know that..
Another thing you must know..
You should hate me..
like i hate myself.......



2:39 AM

Friday, September 12, 2008

Exhaustion overpowering her.. but she's still awake..
her head's a throbbing pain.. Mind's miles away.. her eyes burning.. The after-effects of the break down.. Body aching.. Feet weary.. Stomach yelling at her.. growling ferociously like hyenas.. Food tasted weird today. Perhaps her sense of taste has decided to take a day off.. her teeth grazing excruciatingly against the ulcer in her mouth.. her heart's pounding harder than usual today.. Breathing was a chore today..

Sick -- that's how she felt..

Vague description of her day..? The whole equation weren't even close.. terrible+horrible+sickening+frustrating=gywgfdyufe!

Pushed to the ground.. helpless.. pounded.. she tried to fight and desperately tried to stand on her feet.. being pushed time and time again by a huge index finger.. She fell flat on her face.. Not even a second was spared.. she embraced her defeat.. Giving in to her fate...

Everything seems to be in fast-forward mode. She's exhausted.... she needs a break.. Someone please help her press the 'pause' button.. The 'stop' button.. whatever..! she wishes for everything to just FREEZE! So that she may take a breather. To be able to pull the cork out of her bottle...

A massive eruption.. It shoots out the uncontainable substance like a glorious shooting star in liquidity form.. through the continuous overflow.. the force of gravity pulling the glass bottle down.. it's fragility tested and it flew aimlessly into a million pieces.. the cold sharp splinters of uncontrollable laughter.. taking a step over the sane line..

Accompanied by sweetness. . and instant takeaways. . To consume.. to swallow down the pain.. Mixed with a slight taste of sea water.. the soul to be beaten up into a pulp by the harsh word called reality.. To fill up the hollowness inside.. Even indulgence seems like a chore..

The sun came out... shines its warmth.. dries up the leakage.. evaporating troubles and worries away.. offers ones strength to get back on her feet...

A beautiful tree grew almost instantly .. baring chocolate coated strawberries... each bite she took.. her soul heals.. her heart, it glows with gratitude...

holding on to the warmth touch..
hopefully to find herself waking up to a brand new day...



2:03 AM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hi yawww..

New semester starts again for me..
Guess what? I only have 3 schooling days..

Mon-Arts Management Module, class:E24D
Thurs-Stage Management Module, class:E25Q
Fri-Production Design Module, class:E25Q

Time: 8.30am-4.30pm

I did not get the elective that I chose.. 'Sudio Techniques'.. Hmm... Pretty bumbed out about that. Should I choose another elective for this sem..? BUT, I don't seem to fancy the other electives that are available. I guess I'll just take my other 2 electives next semester in 3rd year..

AND you know what? I was absent on the very first day.. LOL. hmm.. woke up late. Tsk tsk.. Ok when I came to sch the next day.. I had a little confusion in the morning.. I went into the wrong classsss!!! Gosh! History repeats itself.. I'm sucha fool. Well..err.. at least I made like.. some people laugh early in the morning...

For my PP, at least there are some progress happening.. still have not gotten the interview replies by the Artistic Director and freelance trainer.. Still waiting.. .. ..

About my laptop problems.. I'm currently on laptop loan with e1rwan Pte Lte. Free for the 1st 11 days and then 10cents charged per day as the duration lengthens.. Contract signed by me on tues, 020908.. LOL. Just lemme know if you need to use it alright.. I'll let you use it and you may still charge me the 10cents for the day.. =D

Fasting has been great so far.. a week has passed.. Let us all make the best of this Holy month of Ramadan to do good deeds.. A simple deed may mean alot to someone and you'll never know it..

Finally I'm working again at The Cathay Cineplex.. worked 6pm-3am on both Fri and Sat. Did Movie Express at level 6 with people like Renee, Afiq, Kamiliyah.. etc.. After 1am, Movie Express closes and I'll have to come down to Concess Level 5. Concess is the main place where corns are popped and Snacks are HOT.. haha.. ok.. I really had a great time working every time i work with these crazy people.. people like.. ''Irwan Babyyy''... HAHAHA.. sorry man.. I can't help it..

ok.. people like Mr e1rwan aka Mr Nice guy.. , Mr Zul aka Mr Cutie, Mr Syazwan aka Mr 6pack and Mr Ramli Choo Jun Ting aka Mr Charming..

We have a new drink on sale at work it's called Jelly POP Soda! AWESOME shitt i tell ya..

Like our Mr Zul has created an anthem for the drink.. "Jelly POP..Jelly POP..Jelly POP SODAAAA..Jelly POP!!" haha.. Its like so stuck in my head noww.. They were singing it out loud while serving! Gosh..funny man..Well the jelly is really addictive.. Do try it at a very "cheap" price of $3.50.. only available at Cathay Cineplexes! hahha..

Ouh ya.. breaking fast together at work is soo much fun.. On fri we all sat on the carpeted floor of the office and ate.. so like kenduri.. (malay function) while sat, we ate in the kitchen. . anyways, Sorry Hana, din't know you were mad at me..

Yadiy and Farouk already left for NS.. Next going off to serve the Nation will be e1rwan(Police) and Ramli(Army)... in early Oct next mth.. =(

Today my sis Hana and bf.. went to the Avril Lavigne Concert at Kallang Indoor Stadium.. so did my elda sis, Amelia.. Cool shitt or whatt... hmm.. Rich people...

BTW, Replug is going to hold our very own concert soon.. It will be held at the RP Cultural Centre(TRCC) on Nov 13th..I'll update more about it as time comes..

"To the world you maybe just one person, but to one person, you maybe the world"

'Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts on me..I'm really flattered and speechless.. and if there's anything that i did that made you smile and be happy.. I'm really glad to be the cause of the upward bend of your lips.. You make me wanna be a better person too. From all the things that that you do and what we have learnt from each other.. You have taught me one thing.. which is... how to love unconditionally..'

Thank you and get well soon.. =D

p/s: Im so not into Blonde streaks and crybabies..ok. randomm.



8:36 PM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Life is sucha MAJOR rollercoaster RIDE!

One point I was high UP! and drastically I was going right down... almost crashing..

Last Sat was a great day to remember..
Gig was fun though the first song 'Beat It'- Fallout Boys version, the sound system was like super haywire.. causing lots of ear piercing feetbacks.. Sorrow - Flyleaf.. I thought I did not screw up that song.. but the audience were standing like as if it's a funeral to that great song..haha.. well, the original song 'What you did' was Ok OK.. I thought it sounds nicer acoustically.. 'Bring me to life' - Evanesence was cool until the point where my voice cracks at the high note.. but eventually the highlight was 'let the flames begin' - Paramore.. though I kinda skipped a certain part of that song.. seriously.. I did not realise it til Madi told me..LOL but it was AWESOME.. love that song.. esp the LIVE version... I thought we did rock the house down as an opening act.. 3 cheers for MMC!

Thank you so much.. My dearie friends and family who turned up.. Cathay peeps like E1rwan, Farouk, Yadiy, Ramli, Zul.. My lil sis, Hana and lil bro, Amirul.. The Replugios, Zaty, Dhiv and Amir... Thank YOU! Love you peeps..!

Then I have Replug performance at the Kallang Rooftop.. I thought 14bux per tic was way too expensive looking at the condition of the venue.. felt bad cuz e1rwan, zul, hana and my lil bro came.. and they paid.. I really really wanted to give out a good show for them and the rest there.. and I'm super glad when they said they did..

Anyways, I sang 'Livin' on a prayer' -Bon Jovi with Zaty.. OMG.. She's AMAZING.. love ur voice babe.. and love ya! haha.. I also performed 'Soulmate' - Natasha Beningfield and 'Unfaithful' - Rihanna.. both with Dhiv.. she ROCKS! love ur redhair babe... heh .. The funny part was, I was singing 'Soulmate' and there was a technical error.. I did not know what to do but I guess I made a wise choice in continuing the song but acapella style.. lol.. w/o music.. the audience was a great sport..Thank God.. they clapped and sang along with me.. This must be one of the best feelings in the whole world.. looking at the audience's response after you've performed.. esp when they clapped and cheered.. the feeling was just amazing.... sweet.

Btw the equipments are from Livin' Forte Jamming Studio.. My bandmate's Alif's studio. Dun play2... haha.. great job.. the microfon sounds great.. anyways, You guys should try to jam there.. location- Tamp.. anything you can contact him at..90937071 to book for a slot..

I hadta leave early though.. so I missed 'Tainted hearts' performance.. sorry babes.. I'm sure you gals rock the house down..! I really loved Wan's performance.. She's awesome man.. esp when she sang 'No one' - Alicia keys.. Zaty's 'Fallin' -Alicia Keys as well rocks! and also 'Shy that way' by both of them.. Power la.. Good show Replugios! =D

That was when I was at the peak of my rollercoaster ride..

My heart was in my mouth.. I thought that I was gonna gag.. the ride was travelling 90deg downwards... My laptop just had to crash! my system crashed!!! and the worse thing is IT Helpdesk said I should send it to ACER! The problem is .. I've used up my warranty and repairing at Acer might cost a bomb.. and I was right.. it was a hardware problem and I had to change my freaking motherboard! which cost a friggin' 600bux.... how tragic can that be? all my stuff gone! everything in my lappy.... including my PP project that will due in a week's time... And the worse of the worse thing is.. I've yet to finish paying the instalments for the laptop and it's already on it's way to 'heaven'...

A big advice to all laptop holders that has the 'hibernating' function or 'Stand by' mode.. DO NOT use it often... let me repeat.. DO NOT use it often.. ok..? that will cause danger to your lappy's health.. that's what I did.. and look what happen.. gosh I'm so stupid...

I always take things for granted... haiz...

Now I'm using the sch comp.. free only for the 1st 10 days.. $2/per day if i continue to use it...

I'm still waiting for my PP advisor to email me my PP scope so that I could start my PP.. this is what happens when you do things last min.....stupid me.

Go away you procrastination diesease!

I really need a BIG indulgence right now.. it's an EMERGENCY.....

Dear Allah SWT.. Please let me face and get through this difficult obstacle with great determination...AMIN..

ps: Happy Ramadan to all Muslims...



10:42 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008


So worried man..
My throat is still sore..
been the 3rd day.. =(
drank lots of water, take Strepsils (sponsored by e1rwan PTE) hehe.. tanx youssss! , drank warm herbal chrysanthemum tea which i bought.. and also Honey lemon drink made by aan...tanxxx yousss dearsss!.. avoid fried and spicy stuff.. what should I do next..? anyone has good method in fast remedy to sore throats..?

haha.. I'm going to try to gargle salt water later.. was googling for curing methods.. hopefully it works..

*sigh* this sore throat..
I guess there's no one to blame but myself..
Tomorrow is GIG day..
For those planning to come..
A BIG THANK YOU for your support..=)
We will try my best to put up a great show especially for you guys..

Insyaallah -- With God's will.. hopefully.

afterall we have..
Alif the rockin' rythmist.. --bitchy.. LOL
Muddy the cool headbanging bassist --Screamerrr?? hahaha..
Aan from Knightwingssss..wuhoo --his guitar skills+voice gives you wings...
Izan the hardcore drumma..--Ignition is RISINGGG arh!

and me! --Rock chick wannabe (my blog theme) heh..

Mercy May Cry -- That's US..

How to get there?


From Raffles Place Station, take exit H and walk across Cavenagh Bridge.

From City Hall Station, take exit B (in front of capitol building), turn left, walk towards Funan Centre and turn left again upon reaching the present Parliament house.

From Clark Quay Station, take exit E, cross the road in front, then turn left, upon reaching the Singapore River, turn right and walk towards the Victoria Memorial Clock Tower.

For more info on how to get there by car or bus:

The Arts house, Play Den.

Wish me luck people..

Going to school later..
touching up to be done for our class art masterpiece..

REPLUG will be having a gig too tomorrow night at Kallang.. Rooftop.. About 8pm til 10pm.. A night of acoustic music by fellow Replugios of Republic poly.

--How can a person be so kind hearted and yet doesn't expect anything in return..? One must be an angel in disguise...--



I woke up this morning feeling kind of blue
and I stumbled out of bed
and dragged my feet across the room
Right outside my front door was
a rose and a note that said 'Somebody Loves You'

But out on the street it starts to pour
and before I get soaking wet,
A total stranger runs to give me the jacket off his back
I turn around to thank him
But he waves me with a smile
I can hardly believe my eyes
He puts on a halo and starts to fly

Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise

I met a good friend for lunch
and we had a delicious meal
But I forgot to bring my wallet
I felt like an imbecile
But she was sweet,
she gave me a treat and
Bought me a chicken sandwich
To take home for tea
But out on the street with nothing to eat
A man and his shopping cart go
Travelling to places,
Collecting social graces
I give him my sandwich and we chatter for a while
I see a rainbow wash over his eyes
He gives me his halo and I start to fly

Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise

Don't try to hide away from me
I know you're by my side

Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise

Everyday can be legendary
Every minute, an endless surprise
You could be the next angel in disguise

I woke up this morning
Feeling kind of new..=)


I dedicate this song to my twin soul mate for always being there for me in times of need..
Your my angel in disguise. =)

This is beautiful song my Corrine May.. telling everyone that you could be an angel in someone's eyes just by doing the simplest of deed...

Have a good day people! take care!



9:31 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

At the end of the day today I felt that I didn't achieve anything.

Have you ever had a lot of things that you wanted to do in a day and then you realize that the day is gradually ending without you doing the stuff that you wanted to in the first place..

Wanted to work today but in the end I dun have to.. told my lil brother to revise his studies but it fell on deaf ears.. he played GAME! irritating la.. Btw..I really appeciate that you offer to tutor my lil brother..Really2 thankful.. Thank u soo much.. You're such a dear. Thank you e1rwan.

Tried practising the songs needed for the upcoming gig.. had some problems with 'let the flames begin', the chorus part.. (the song on my blog) and 'bring me to life' was still a struggle.. Sometimes I wonder why the hell do I choose songs that I am not confident of bringing.. Just trying to show off perhaps.. stupid.

When I sing I sometimes feel like I'm shouting out the song rather than singing it which sometimes gets me frustrated.. it's funny.. Something i love to do soo much is causing me frustrations.. I really need to get my techniques right.. went to U-tube for videos on how to hit the high notes better.. this guy called charlesprinceofswing or something like that.. he has like several videos on singing like from part1 all the way to 16 or 17.. he was more like those 'figaro-ish' type of operatic voices.. and really jazzy.. great tips.. but needs time to nurture and a lot of practise.

"It's not all about the breathing.. breathing is only 10%.. If proper breathing is the most essential element in singing, the greatest athletes of the world will be the best singers.. which they ARE NOT!"

-quoted by Mr Charlesprinceofswing- (haha)


I really feel like I can't control my emotions nowadays..

-that time of the month- it really sucks.. with these stupid cramps.. fuck! (here i go again with all the vulgarities...)

and not only that.. I get moody. Yesterday was Aan's Birthday.. had something in mind.. a so called plan to go to sentosa.. but he said that he's having dinner with his family at night.. I have nooo idea why this stupid temper has to flare off.. He's having dinner with his FAMILY for god's sake.. why the hell are you flippin' out for...?? I'm being totally ridiculous.. I was actually REALLY UPSET! for an hour before I get a grip of myself.. fight my stupid EMO disease. I changed my plans to meet him up earlier and everything was solved... that was easy right?stupid temper. ......!!! He wasn't aware of me being mad for that.... I'm such a big faker. haiz..

Anyways.. I really had a great time yesterday.. tanx ida for the sentosa luge and skyride thingy.. Skyide was terrifying..--height phobia.. I even enjoyed the dinner with his Sakura. Bought him levis jeans and a silver bracelet..Made him a compilation video of us..He loved it.. which I'm glad..Thought it might be a lil cheesy for a rocker like him..hmm.. Anyways, Happy 25th Birthday dear..and 1year Anniversary..

Today I was pretty bumbed out that I didn't get to work.. but people has my best interest at heart.. how appreciative can I be? But no.. I just had 'merajuk'..get emo-ish.. poor fella had to apologize alot of times for thinking about my well-being.. I am such an ASS. A big one.. Sorry Mutton! Didn't mean to show my temper..Sorryyyyy! and plz dun apologize ok..

Was U-tubing and saw the live version of 'let the flames begin'.. there's kind of a drum solo before the song officially starts which was pretty cool.. knowing the capabilities of our current drummer.. I had send him the link of the video via msn.. I asked can try? Without trying at all.. all he said was.. I can't do drum solos and "mase dah suntuk.." which means not enough time.. so much for a drummer that I respect.. why is it so difficult to say.. ok I'll try.. is that so much to ask for..?

The company I'm suppose to work with for a few events didn't get back to me.. I'm so gonna be frggin' broke end of this month... haiz.. stupid.. Seelah..don't give constraints somemore.. I'm such an idiot.. the esplanade job--still under training course.

Found out that A'an had to sing for tomorrow's concert at Haogang stadium.. with Ignition. He was suppose to go watch it with me la. Now I have to go alone! sucks big time.

wth la..

Now I'm going to hide under the covers

and cry....

Sorry if any of things said above offended anyone. I'm currently having mood SWINGGGGGSSS! I'm being unreasonable and sickeningly temperamental... Stay away from this grumpyfit for at least a few more days...



11:56 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Precious.

Beautiful moonlight.. casting
a layer of shimmering ray
on the surface of the dead sea..
bring it to life..

The breeze caressing my skin.
Witnessing the wonders of God's creation.
breath-taking it was..

It was looking back at me..
Amazing how can it see into my eyes..
like open doors..?

If only I could fly..
Would you let me embrace you..?
To be seen just like you weren't during the day...
Will the sun let it's light penetrate through me too?

A shiny single star stood out..
Distracting my attention..
It was the brightest among the rest..
It was impossible to miss..
Boldly it shines..
How did you manage to outshine the moon?
One who is such a beauty and so endearing..

If only I could fly..
Would you let me rest on your mighty arm?
and look down to earth..
where people are too busy to admire
To glow as brightly as you do too...

The sound of calmness,
rested my soul.
Causing this mind to be in peace with the heart.
Breathing in to what all mankind needs to live,air..

I let time pass me by..
i want the moment to stay..
Just me and the beautiful sight..
I felt so belonged..
So connected..
I don't want to let it go..
Wondering what's wrong with holding on..

Smiling from ear to ear..
Forgetting all sorrows..
Only happy thoughts..
Please don't let it go away..

As I was busy admiring my shiny star..

Before I knew it.. My dear Moon was no longer near the sea..
It was high up..
The rays disappeared..
the sea died again..
My world lights were switched off..
Suddenly i felt lost..
and so alone...

So sad.

Is it something missing?
Why do i feel suffocated..
Felt like I'm being torn apart..
I need to find the light..

Though away.. the moon stays with me..

The moon and star..
My treasures..

Something beautiful..
Too precious....

It's not mine to keep...



12:23 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Here is a class pic of E24R. Well it's not the whole strength though.

And here's the POSTER for my upcoming gig. Great line-ups!



1:26 AM

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baked beans + Scrambled eggs + hotdogs = The MOST important meal for the day.

Which is scientifically proven to be, BREAKFAST! Well, for my case, I had this delicious meal at 2PM today! haha. Cooked by Mama dearest. So I shall call it 'Brunch'.

Today is the last day of school which marked the end of 1st semester. I just had to be the primadona.. skipping today... SO yesterday was the 'self-proclaimed' last day for me! Nyahahaha...

E24R.... Had many moments with you guys. Gonna MISS YOU peeps. . . Awww.

All the times spent, I'll always remember.. This is a picture I took of Yan while he was asleep in class. LOL.. When the Facillitator stepped in, he had a shock of his life. Arts Critic Honky Facilliator, Mr Lam Fung even took a picture like I did. Guffaws!

In class usually we have the UMNOs, which is made up of the 'MALASIA' peeps. (I am not trying to sound The ALL girls group, The LATECOMERS and errr.. SLACKERS.. haha. I'm sooo in it. ANd not forgetting the 3BB.. which means 3best buddies.. not BiMBOS. hehe. OH ya.. Almost forgot.. The GAMERS group. That is what I Noticed la.. SOOO Not making up stories.. U know.. I know.. Everybody knows... yea.. That's E24R basically, in general..

I really need to start on my PP. I thought I said that like a week ago.. eh NO.. that was a month ago.. tsk tsk.

HEYYY.. Meet our class 'NBA' player.. SAMUEL..! HE's freaking tall man... I'm like 1.65m and I'm only at his shoulders. I heard he's like 1.9m. Whoa..!

Today, had session with MercyMayCry peeps. We won't be jamming this ENTIRE week!! Bored... boo hoo. We're currently preparing for our gig this 30th of Aug 2008 at the ARTHOUSE, PLAYDEN. Tix will be at a 'CHEAP' price of ONLY SEVENSGDOLLARS. hehe.. Do come and support yea. If ur free. Tanx! It starts at 3pm. and we're the 2nd act. So If you're coming, 3pm will be just nice. Hope to seeya!




12:22 AM

Thursday, August 07, 2008

E24R 'Wonder'ful MASTERpiece!
How is it? Isn't it pretty?
We did it in class today!
I had to take two pics to get one whole artwork cuz it's really big.. so it is not connected properly.
But you should look at the actual piece!
I could stare at it the whole day...
It looks HOT la! lol... Well.. Not self praising BUT,
I'M Really happy and proud of it!
My class, E24R Rocks!
Looking at the other classes works... errrghh... Not even close to our standard! heh.
Action siaaa...
Renee! Ur class work needs editing from US. heh.
Ok.. I'm gloating wayyy to much... meanie me!
Well.. I'm just H-A-P-P-Y!
It's so refreshing to be doing ART practically rather than studying the theory all 15 weeks round of History of the Arts module..*.*
Our problem statement for the day was to come up with a design that relates to the topic, 'WONDER'! What we wanted to portray was, the wonders of Singapore.. *OBVIOUSLY*
I thought the merlion looks like a bald MR 'Li-Ku-1-You'... lol..
Well.. It's for the Singapore Biennale 2008. If our artpiece is good enough, it will be selected for the TRCC! Yeay! hopefully!
It's really very 'shiok' to get all down and dirrrtyyy... haha. with paint.. tsk..
Oooh... Its a 'WONDER'ful artpiece! LOVin' it!

Ouh boyy.. What an Awesome day!!!
How I wish school was as fun as TODAY.. but EVERYDAYYYY!!
Alif said that my entries are wayyy too long that he stops reading half-way... hmmm.
Do I really have entries that are super long and boringg...? haha.. Sorry peeps.
I AM LONG-Winded... It's in the genes. Haha.
Ok gdnite BYE!



11:59 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I had a pretty Hardcore Rocking Weekend I must say..

Last Friday, I went to The House of Rock at Tanjong Katong area. It was their last day before it closes down.. Some of the Anugerah band peeps were invited to perform. Aan also get to jam a few songs even though his band mates weren't there. It was awesome especially 'Ministry of ROCK'..Jatt Ali was amazing! loved his vocals! He sounds exactly like Dio! Whoa! I was singing out loud to the classic rock.. just having a headbanging hella time..!\m/

Finally, I have the chance to update on SINGFEST 2008. I can only think of one word.. that is. AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! It was STOKED! I was there for both days. I'm so blessed. Thank you for letting me have awesomest weekend ever.. Went to forum to find some souls who are going alone.. and end up with a group of loners. Well, at least I'm not alone..

Fort Canning Park was separated into 2 areas, stage 1 and 2. One for local acts, the other for international acts, all happening at the same time. I mean c'mon.. we have to be realistic here, who in the hell would pay about 300 over bucks to catch a local act? Somehow i pity those local acts at Singfest. Some that I remembered were A Vacant Affair, Fishtank, Fire Flight, Allura, Flybar, Plain sunset, West grand Boulevard.. and many more. Pretty great line-up! Sorry fellas.. I was just being Singaporean, cuz I was at the International acts stage.

There were like a bazaar that sells food and drinks. One freaking small kebab selling at freaking 10bucks.. merchandise stalls.. etc Each act perform for about an hour..

DAY ONE OF SINGFEST 08' -- Acts like DEAREST, wearing white suits in a freaking hot day.. indie band, pretty cool. MELANIE SUBONO, the most boring performance for day 1.. she was so called very into 'Girl power'.. and she feels strongly about women.. which is funny because she has a band made up of all guys and a hubby as the lead guitarist.. huh! Next was CROWNED KING, a British band.. what's cool about their music is that they have a trombone player, Mr Johnny.. Coolness** Shaun the Vocalist look super HAWTT! Next, NEW FOUND GLORY was KICK-ASS. IAN GRUSHKA the bassist super adorable.LOL. Big belly. Got his pick when he threw it over the mosh pit. Mosh pit was CRAZZYYYY!! Everyone was like sardin! Freakin' packed. The peeps at the back pushing the ones in front.. everyone was jumping and pushing everyone.. poor people at the front was like literally squeezeddd outt! hoho! I was perspiring like crazy.. and very dehydrated..

Melee's vocalist CHRIS CRON had a superb vocal. He reminds me of Benjy from 'So you think you can dance?' He's enthusiasm and energy was sky-high! LOST PROPHETS!!! ARGGGHH... IANNNNN WATTKINNN... SEXAYYY vocalist. He lift his shirt and showed off his tattoos, 2 guns ponting downwards... OMG. Is there not enough heat in the crowd already.. *Fanning** hahaha.. They played my fav songs from em' 4AM FOREVER and ROOFTOP. SIMPLE PLAN up next.. playing all the popular songs from them. Even My lil bro favourite song..'Miss me when I'm gone'. Last but not least.. TRAVISSSS! Wuhoooo.. "Closer.. closer.. lean on me now... n lean on me now..."

Took a cab home cuz I missed the last train.. $26 flewwwww..... bloody midnight charge... My weary feet.. Slept like a baby...

DAY II OF SINGFEST 08' -- IT was MORE PACKED than day one! Had to queue a pretty long queue before I finally get in. Made friends with American girls Jenna and Lisa. German gal, Riquelle. and Linson and gf both Filipinos.. So again I wasn't alone. Jenna and Lisa was like.. (American Accent..) "Oh my gawddd... this is fucking awesome.. I'm like SOOOO fucking excited!..Oh my Gawwdd... You know.. I saw Jeremire.. Oh my gawddd.. I hate Him..!Oh Jesus.. Fuck.. the weather is so fucking hott" hahaha... funny..

OK back to SingFEST! haha

Stacie Orrico was first to perform.. She looks really sweet and pretty. Love her tan. Great vocals. =) Then it was Jamie Scott, a 26yr old dude.. a brit artist, doing a semi-acoustic performance. One Republic singing 2 of my fave songs.. Stop and stare and Apologize.. I don't really know their other songs.. Panic at the Disco!-Very energetic, there was at one point where the lead vocalist mic went off but he didn't know it.. kept singing but we obviously couldn't hear him.. poor fella. Sound system sucks man. This shouldn't happen in a MAJOR EVENT!

JASON MRAZ was DA BOMM..MR. A-Z! I really like the way he sings and his eyes goes wide..Cute man.. He spontaneously made his own lyrics about Singapore and Singfest. He sound so good live! The Jamaican percussionist cum back up singer was so cool mannn... Pussy Cat Dolls was up next.. ONE word. HOT!!! They set up the backdrop that comes with the stairs and runway for them to pose and dance.. Their set also comes with the fans to give the windy effect. They can actually sing live pretty well. Nicole was awesome! PCDs=HOT n SEXAY!

Last act fer the day! ALICIA KEYS! The Princess of RnB. Her performance was phenomenal. Her stage setting was awesome..with the full drum set that seems to be shimmering under the light, full percussion set.. 3 backup singers with vocal pipes to die for, a guitarist and a bassist, a trumpeter and a saxophonist. They had their own solos in between certain songs which was so cool. She also had an organ on stage and a keyboard that she played during different songs..WOW! I was right in front. She and her band was just amazing. My heart was beating so fast and I cannot describe the incredible feeling inside of me. Though tired and fatigue, I sang my heart out! Alicia Keys... She inspires me!

That marked the end of SingFest 2008. It was simply.. AMAZING. I'll be looking forward to Singfest 2009. Hopefully Paramore will be in the list of International acts!!!! Thank you so much for an unforgettable weekend.

I have a lot of pix that I took during SingFest which I have not uploaded.. will upload it Soon! tc!



4:50 PM

Monday, August 04, 2008

DURIANS! arrggh.. my house is soo smellin' of em.. I am NOT trying to sound so ang-moh like. But i can't stand the strong smell. It's wierd that I use to like it so much when I was younger but now.. Just simply hate it. Hmm.. people change.. I change.

Been busy for the weekend. Did team building games facilitation for Fatman International Company, was located at Club Med, Bintan for this event. It was work cum leisure for me. Been wanting to get outta of the busy Singapore Citylife and finally I get to spend some time at Bintan, a chilled-out beach like resort of beautiful Club Med. Where the beaches are wayy better and more original than what we have here in Singapore. We spend the night at Nirwana Beach Club before heading to Club Med the next day for the team-building games. Nirwana beach club has a very laid-back ambience plus Romannnnticcc... and the night life pretty wild. hmmms.. Ok, the next day, at Club Med, We did the games for a French Banking Company called 'Julius Bar'. Very spontaneous group i must say. It was fun. I had funn..=]

Last Sun.. POWER BAND COMP 2008 at Yew Tee CC. Many great bands joined.. and some NoT so great. Haiz I wish I could take part.. but yea. Knightwings won Champion! Favouritsm? I don't think so. They did very well and they very much deserve it. Congrats to Knightwings..! Raven was the guest band. I thought they could have performed better being a well-known local act.

Was suppose to post this like a week ago.. it was saved in my drafts. Ill update about what i did this weekend soon. SINGFEST!! wuhooooo...
3:30 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I am Such an irreligious blogger.

Maybe usually, well most of the time, I'll be really looking forward to write an entry, but after an hour or two of writing daily Reflection Journals--RP students, only you guys will understand this.. ouh well perhaps close pals/bfs/family of Republicans might be familiar to the term RJ. I'll be either super sleepy, or super lazy. I wish in the future they will have something that types whatever U said verbally. Ouh wait.. do we already have that? ouh well, perhaps it should be affordable to all, maybe as one of the features. That will be SOO aweeeesoommee yaw.. WHAt LAzy younger generation have I become..?? shame on me.

BAck to my life.. GUESS WHAT???? I GOT THE JOB! at Esplanade. Wuhooo! Hopefully I'd manage to cope with it.

Anyways, I caught 'The Dark Knight' recently.. IT WAS AWESOME!! Wana know what's the irony of it all..? I kinda supported the villain more than the hero. 'JOKER' played by the late Heath Ledger. HE WAS PHENOMENAL! The best joker ever lived. He scares the shit out of me but yet I find great intrigues on how he 'became' the character. I was looking forward to see more of the joker on screen rather than Batman--Cristian Bale. Ouh yeaa.. My favourite line will have to be... "Why.. SO.. SERIOUS..??" .. "Let's put a smile to that face". Ok there's actually a certain part where the joker weren't on screen that I kind of ... err... fell asleep. Ok stop booing.. I was a little on the tired mode. heh.

People asked to talk to me when I pick up my calls today.. WHY? I sound like a dude..! or worse bapok.(transvestite) Been having bad cough and kinda lost my voice.. pitiful right?

Today my lil bro got into a pretty bloody affair. He got accidentally pushed pretty hard by some big fat cina dude who happens to be running at full speed, and my lil bro fell head first to the hard floor. Therefore, he needs 2 stitches. Poor lil brother. You wana know why he was out in the first place? bcuz he wants to buy a bday card for my mum. SO sweet right.. Touching man.. so yea.. poor lil cute darlingg bro of mine.. OUH YES.

HAPPY 45th Birthday DEAREST MAMA. She's the most amazing mum ever. LOVE her with all my heart. awww... heh.

Went for 'Tapestry' audition the other day at 'Fourtones Studio'. Brought the cover of Micheal Jackson/Fallout Boys 'Beat it'. Hopefully we'll get it. InsyaAllah.

Ok that's about it.

12:22 AM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Have you ever like heard someone trying to make a point, but whatever that comes out from that 'I-know-what-I'm-saying' mouth sounds 'Alien' to you. That's what happen in class today. I shall not be mean as to mention any names but yea. Haha. If I happened to be a comic character, I'd prolly have a balloon over my head with a caption.. "???????!!!!!" haha. That's no caption to begin with.. Ok perhaps I'd prolly don't even need a balloon for that. My facial/action tells it all. *scratches head*/*eyebrows together*. yeap. haha. Ok lets move on. Randommmmm shitt.

My class has a new 'History of the Arts' facilitator. We thought we could rejoice after "getting rid" of our previous faci. But the new faci.. OMG. She shoots questions like a freakin' machine gun. And man does she prepared enough ammunition to kill the entire student body. okOK. I'm Exaggerating. SO? What are you gonna do? Shoot me? ha-ha. Guess not.. Well, One of the teams, almost got killed.. right in the forehead. One was so frustrated that she said, "Faci.. do you know that we have UT later..?" UT stands for understanding test. We have it every Mons and Thurs 4.15pm-4.45pm. Usually during these days, class wil have to end right on time. Ok back to my story..haha.

Her: Faci.. do you know that we have UT later..? (Frustrated)
Faci: Yes I know..(Expressionless) OK.. so why does your team....(continues asking)

You get what I mean..? triple Dush* OMG.

Well maybe she just really wants us to know what we're learning I guess.
Which is in fact a good thing..
People with good intentions are often misunderstood.

Wanna know what?
My parents came back from KL seeing the house all spic and span all thanks to me. My dear classmate, YAN.. I know it should be a daily job of an 'anak dara' to be doing house chores ok.. *roll eyes* But I'm busy with school and work and outside activities to be even making the mess. U feel me? So I sometimes do have this selfish mentality that says.. "I don't create the mess.. Wharrrrtttt..!So.. why should I be the one who cleans it up?" ha-ha. OK Now someone.. SHOOT ME!

I kind of hogged the TV for two shows in a row. Both have the same concept but totally different genre. 1st was 'American Next Top Model' and 2nd was 'Contender Asia' I realise that I dig reality shows where there's competition.

In ANTM, Sarah was eliminated from the race.. ok wrong show.. haha. Sarah was sent home.. I thougth She's beautiful even though she's a plus-size model. The rest were mostly skinny and leggy.. I can't help but think she looks an awful lot like Meg Ryan. ANyways, now my favs in the show has to be Lisa and Saleisha. HoT.

The Contender, Semi-finals. The fight was between Yodsaenklai(Thai) and Sean Wright(Scot). Even before the fight starts, I knew the skillful thai boxer is gonna knock the hell out of the Blondie dude. and IM right..=) Well anyways, next week will be an awesome fight between John Wayne(Aus) and Dzhabar(U.A.E).. Can't wait.

I kinda knew the winners for both shows.Tanx to PBL system, there's nothing you won't come across while doing daily research.. and also to people who can afford cable vision. Telling me additional details that I don't wish to know.. Shall I reveal the winner to all?? Hmms. I shall not let my blog contain spoilers. I bet YOU guys already knew it too..

Man.. I'm sleepy.. Ok sweeT Dreams People.

11:01 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

messy, Messy, MeSSY.. MESSAYY!

I need some order in my life.
-I'm so undisciplined..!
-I keep delaying things that I wanted/needed to do.
-I keep procrastinating.
-Bad Habits..! haiz.

* Start on my PP.
My PP scope already submitted and approved like 'centuries' ago.
I just don't know where to start..
Go and find out la lazy ASS.

* STOP taking my own sweet TIME to school.
Get my sleepy ASS off my bed when I should be.
Stop grumbling.

* Sew my working pants. HA HA.
It's the side of the seam that's torn.. NOT somewhere else. Don't start having funny thoughts
on how Fitancredi tore her pants..
Like FYI..
As a staff.. not trying to say much but...
I'm quite an aggressive/hardcore worker + hardworking..+cool+ 'terror' + legend (chey!)
haha like real.... =p

* Clean MY ROOM. /HOME
It looks as if a tornado had just passed through.
To make it a more conducive place to chill and study. (hmm..I'm not sure about the study part)
Parents coming home from KL tomorrow and the house is in the same category as my room.

Parents reaction when they stepped into the house-- WTH!!!!!! %$#*&%


Parents reaction when they stepped into the house-- ~Started singing.."Feels like heavennnn"

Err... My parents can't sing so I think I'd rather hear em' swear.. lol.. ok OK.. I'm kidding alright.. Gosh.. you people.. This is so not an episode of 'The Osbornes'

* Do some painting on my sketch BOOK!
Designs to be on my sketchbk plz.. (Using my own body as a medium doesn't seemed to work.)

*Start working out again.
Babats strikes again.. NOOOO!
Babat means--
an additional layer(s) that covers your mucles and it makes your body out of shape or..
synonym, FATS.

*Practise my singing.
I totally sucked at today's jam.
Been having cough for weeks. I finished 2 bottles of cough syrup in total.
and just now tanx to..
ALIFFFFFF..!!! ok.. "breathe in.. breathe out.."

That's about all that I needed and wanted to do. Wow. The list looks like a new year resolution.

ok. Nites all.


11:59 PM

Whoa. Its been a week and 1 day since my last entry and there's just so much to write, say, tell, inform, convey... haha. OK perhaps ill just list the main highlights of the week..

Last Wed -- I was there at Media Corp watching the finals of 'Anugerah Band'. My initial favourites were X-tech but at the end of the day, which band won my heart? It has to be FATSKUNKS. They were really doing their own thing.. having fun while performing and their music makes me wanna dance along. Great! The opening act of the show really sux.. Six Sense (Malaysian band) sux.. IKRAR PERWIRA by Anugerah Band contestants ROCKS the most! I can almost feel the ground shakes. We have musicians from KNIGHTWINGS, HELVEN, CDM, X-TECH, VIRUS CINTA and PUTRA. The best musician goes to ALIF of PUTRA. Vocalist we have from KNIGHTWINGS, X-TECH and KEIGO SPHINX. All did well I thought, and vocalist of KEIGO SPHINX gets the best vocalist award.. well, but my vote definitely goes to... heh. MR. Aan of Knightwings for his amazing range and powerhouse vocals. Another head turner will be ARMAN MAULANA from the Indo band GIGI. OMG.. his vocals.. *MELTS* Congrats to Rancour for winning the title and to all who made it to the finals..! Let's keep local music ALIVE!

Last Fri -- Work at MOVIE EXPRESS with.. Mr. E1rwan. heh.. Together with MR. Hard Dogg lover Hisham and Mr Gayboi, AfiQ.. LOL Everything was great until the 1plus crowd at Concess. Ok I shall not talk about it.. I'll turn to Hulk if I were to repeat the incident..

Last Sat -- Went to Mayuni Omar's Cafe, we had a KNIGHTWINGS gathering meeting. The gathering is organized by Aan's side of the family. They were all very gung-ho and enthusiastic about the whole idea and were planning and stuff. If i were a member of knightwings, I'll be so touched man. The gathering will be on 16th Aug at East Coast Park. After dining, the fat chef requested that Aan sang a few songs at the Acoustic corner of the restaurant. So he did. He saboed me when he called me up on stage to sing 'Sweet Child of Mine' .. Paiseh man... After that, I went to work.. Hellboy II and Red Cliff is now showing and so.. the crowd NON-stop..! Next week worse.. with Dark Knight out.. God save us all 'The Cathay Cineplex' staffs.

Yesterday -- Skip school (tsk..tsk..bad girl) to go for a part-time job interview at The ESPLANADE. I've always hated interviews and yesterday I was trying my best to calm my nerves and you know, Be steady. I must say It went pretty well and I hope I get the Job. After that me and Aan went to eat at POPEYE'S! yummy.

We then went to catch 'It's a boy girl thing' at THE CATHAY. Starring Samaire Armstrong and Kevin Zegers. The cast is likable. Although the dude did seem really, really gay, even when he was not being possessed by a girl, but supposedly his own male self. I couldn't tell the difference. But the young woman actor who had to play a guy trapped in a girl's body managed really well. But there was also the black guy side kick, bitchy bimbo girl rivals, an unsympathetic 'Desperate Housewives' type mom, and cool slob parents, played by Sharon Osbourne (yaaay!) and Maury Chaykin. All in all, nothing 'wrong'. Nothing unpleasant nor unlikeable. Just kind of shallow, and very derivative. There was a group of what seemed to be 14 year old kids sitting up in the back of the movie theater I attended, and they laughed and oohed and ahhhed a little bit at some lame-ish jokes. Well, great! I hope they liked it. But I suspect that they are probably the major audience that would find this movie appealing or interesting. And that's OK. I gave it a 5 out of 10--- nothing bad, but also nothing great... just ordinary. And it's free.. Thanks to Kak Zana. haha.

If my body were to really change with some dude. Omg.. it will be disastrous. ouh boy...

Looking forward to catch 'The Dark Knight'... 1 minute of silence to the dude who played 'JOKER'. Mr. Heath Ledger who died at 28, recently early Jan this year due to accidental prescription drug overdose. Poor fella..

Yeay Jamming later @ Beat Merchant.

Finally. Inhaler to my 'messy' life.

12:56 PM

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I was late for school today. All because of the wall clock in my room which stops dead at 8. Without me realising it! I, being myself, was like taking my own sweet time. *Procrastinating* and goshh! When I finally realise it, I'm already running late. AS usual. hmms..

What makes it worse is that school was just like 10meters away from home.. *shakes head*

Like I said, I've been having trouble sleeping. Which leads to me waking up late. . Excuses excuses... It's weird sometimes.. When I desperately want to sleep, I simply can't.. (I have NO IDEA WHY..! IT's FRUSTRATING..) hmmm... but when I finally get to do just that.. It's about time for me to get up... argh!

It MUST be a painful job for the one who had to wake me up daily..! I sleep like the DEAD!
The worse part is.. sometimes I even put it on silent mode! tsk..tsk..tsk.. The worse of the worse part is.. I GET GRUMPY at the one who has taken the trouble to wake me up. . And the worse of the worse of the worse part is... brace yourselves for the ultimate yet terrible truth.. I pick up the call.. I said "OK I'm Up... and getting ready for school..BYE!".. then like 2seconds later.. I was a superwomen battling villains in dreamland!! Gosh.. I'm a pig. Period.

Apparently I wasn't mark late for school today. Lucky? For the first time I reached school about 0910hrs and usually class starts at 0830hrs and wasn't mark late! Very very lucky indeed. God bless SAM! He started discussion late so yea. . love you!.. for today.. haha.

I wonder why some days happen to past faster than others. Today, amazingly, it seemed that the time moved faster in a way. I had to dbl-check to see whether my watch is not working.. I shall not be CON twice..! esp to lifeless subjects. Ok I'm crappin' again.. Dush! or perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me..

So yea I checked again and yeay! It does feels faster today... hmm.. Maybe because I was too caught up with work. Chey.. *like real* I think I'll pass in blogging about what i did in class today because I don't wish to fall asleep in the process.

I was simply blog hoping yesterday night, out of randomness, what I noticed is that, many blogs that I visited sounded depressing. F*cK this.. F*ck that!... hmm.. I guess everyone had something to vent about. Many were either sick of school, sick of family, heartbroken or worse, sick of life.. It's an unavoidable phase that we all have to face.. at some point in life.-- So don't fret bout it too much ayte. Now Look whose talking....

Did anyone of you happens to catch 'So you think you can dance?' last night? --I'm practically Speechless. It blows me away dude! One word -- AWESOME! Many dances captivated me but my favourite for the night has to be, a Contemporary routine choreographed by Mia Micheals, beautifully performed by Kameron and Lacey. Here's a link: I'm such a fan of contemporary dances. What I liked most about it.. It made me think..hmm.

In this one, I felt the performance was deep and honest. It evokes a sudden rush of emotions in me. I felt the performance. Lacey who happens to be the sister of Benjy, winner of last season's 'So you think you can dance', she completely surrendered herself to the routine-- whereas, Kameron (his hair has red stars highlites on beans. ok random..) He displays himself as the strong arms that envelopes her and supports her.. it somehow also shows the internal struggle, intricacies and frustrations in a relationship. Overall, I thought it was phenomenal.

Another moving routine choreographed by Mia Micheals performed by last season's Heidi and Travis:
I believed this is about unrequited love. sob*

Here are some other dances that I loved from last season: Allison and Ivan Contemporary
(A dance routine that makes you wanna fall in love.. (haha) -- the song is great too.)

Again by hot babe, Allison and the smooth groover, Ivan. This is a hip hop routine choreographed by Shane.. but its soo sweet. They are so compatible...

Ok.. Hope you've enjoyed the videos I've posted along with my entry. U-tube rocks! \m/

X: SO.. Do you think you can dance?

FIT: ME? Err... does the chicken dance count?

X: Shows the 'L' sign. (L) LAME!!

FIT: I'm lame? Who are you calling lame huh?

FIT: If I'm lame.. , I wouldn't be able to do this..!

(*Fit starts dancing the chicken dance*)
tarananananana.. terananananana.. doo du du du... clap* (4x)


POSTED BY DNF (feeling retarded)
11:14 PM

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Today is SUNday. Ironically it pretty much rained the entire day. I was feeling pretty lethargy, It's funny that I can't recall when was the last time I actually slept well. Have you ever thought that you're asleep but you're somehow still aware of the surroundings. Anyways these are what I did for the entire day..

1. Sits on the couch with the remote in my hands.
i even had a dorky cap on. GUESS what? It has red and white lights on it. haha. blinking like the 'Hari Raya lights' My lil bro is in Pri 5 and he went to the NDP preview last nite, got it from the goody bag.. I WANNA watch the NDP!!! DEsperately... Extra tics anyone..??

2.Watch some kid grooms his room, well synonym to 'makeover' he gets to turn his boring dull looking room into a so called 'wrestler's room' complete with hanging gold WWF belts. How lucky.

I wish someone would offer me a Room makeover.. FOC.

Well anyways if I were to be given a chance to make-over my room.. hmm.. let me see. It has to have a mini stage at the corner, complete with amps and a drum set so that I have my own space to jam and hold gigs.. wouldn't it be awesome? and ouh ya! I can also use my room to do recordings... so it has to be completely sound proof! (Not the cheapo kind.) Just like a studio..

"PRESENTING ROCK GIG... Venue: Fit's ROOM..." hahaha. Oh boy.. am I crappin' or what..

Well from what I've heard is that creating a completely sound proof studio in a home is virtually impossible, hmm why? it's because of the different frequencies that make up sound waves. Wah.. I sounded like some science geek. haha. Like real. Ok, from what I know, many low cost soundproofing methods effectively only block out high and mid frequencies like from drums cymbals and guitars but low frequencies like bass guitar and drums are the most difficult and require very sophisticated sound proof studio knowledge. So MY room has to be sophisticated-ly sound proofed. Got it?

3. Watch "Legally Blond II" on CH5. Reese Witherspoon and Luke Wilson were the main cast. It's basically about Reese Witherspoon (Elle Woods) a lawyer trying to stop Animal testing. Pretty awesome movie if you love pink, blonds and dogs. Well besides that, I really love her determination to fight and speak for those who can't speak for themselves. I really find animal testing cruel, you should see what they did to all those poor animals just for the sake of beauty. STOP ANIMAL TESTINGGG arrrhhh! ok.. "breathe in..breathe out.."

4.Watch "Funniest Video Moments"
I wasn't really laughing at all during the entire show.. IT failed me. haha.

5.Was suppose to get ready to go watch aan jam with the 'Anugerah and' peeps at Orlando studio for a performance during the finals, and supposedly after that to head to 'YOuth Park' To catch Raizan's gig. But due to certain circumstances, wasn't able to. So there I was.. back to the screens.. Anyways, I really hope Aan gets the award for best vocalist for 'Anugerah band' not being biased whatsoever.. just felt that he deserves it even though Knightwings did not get to the finals. So people, do Watch 'Anugerah Band Finals' on Wed, 8.30PM on SURIA!

6.Watch Spiderman II on CH5. Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is such a HOT geek. No wonder a hottie like Mary Jane digs him. SPiderman makes my day. harhar. Movies with superheroes in them always makes my day.. which leads to me saying this now.. and I'm only gonna say this once! gosh it's written for god's sake. lol. 'HANCOCK' is really AWESOME and is a must watch. It stars Will Smith and the gorgeous Charlize Theron. Supercool movie. Go check it out!

7.Wrote down lyrics for 'So sick' by Neyo. Suppose to perform it during 'Replug RnB Internal Performance' tomorrow eve. I think I need to transpose the song to a higher key. My bass voice is terrible. I'm really in love with one of my fellow replug mate, Zaty's voice. She has an incredible low bassy voice and when she tries to reach a higher range, it goes raspy and it sounds real good. awesome.

8.Blog.. I didn't realize I've wrote this long.. Btw how could anyone in their right mind get lost In IKEA?? LMAO! Ouh boy.. that was random.. Ok. Sorry. NOT intended for anyone. .. hmms. *cheeky smiles* heh.

HMm i just realize all i ate today was, Tuna sandwich which tasted funny.. 1 packet of Curry flavoured maggie and 2 Doughnuts..

hee. Ok. that's about it for today on how Fitancredi spends her SUNday being a couch potato. Trust me, this kind of sundays chillout time do not happen often. Peace out!

11:04 PM

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Today I had History of the Arts Module. My group was suppose to do on European Medieval Art, our main task was to take some cultural influences and make them into a door design for an arts exhibition.

We somehow had our focus on the 'Viking'. They were also known as the Norse (Northern) people from Scandinavia, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Many Vikings were great travellers and sailed all over Europe and the north Atlantic Ocean in their longships. Some went as fierce pirate raiders: they stole treasure and attacked local people. But most Vikings who sailed overseas were simply searching for better land for their farms.

I've always stereotyped Vikings as the hardcore pirate raiders who always do harm to the people by which they robbed their lands of but I guess not all were what they were believed to be. Mostly were all misunderstood. Because of a minority that does bad deeds, it has tarnished the reputation of many who are merely victims. Another good example will be 'Terrorism'.

Do you know what is a longship? It is the long looking boat that they travel in..haha duh! Have you ever went to the fun fair and took the 'Viking' that goes up and down like a see-saw but steeper. Yep! that's it.. hahaha.

So we simply did a little bit of research and came up with some elements or objects to design our so called viking door for our presentation. hahaha. OK ENOUGH with the history lesson MISS FITANCREDI! lol...

I have not been having enough sleep lately and my eyes looks panda-ish. Have you ever get caught sleeping and then were probed with a question that you can't answer..? *Guilty faced* I kind of took a self-proclaimed afternoon nap, nodding away like a slow-mo headbanger, haha, during class presentation and I was asked to give my opinion on some chinese superstition art, she's so picking on me, knowing that I was oblivious to the presentation. What a meanie! Surprisingly, my brain juices didn't let me down at the most crucial moments in the history of my life.. gosh im so dramatic. I said something about their door design being really interesting and the research they did on the elements were thorough. A very diplomatic answer indeed. Haha. Like real. But at least I managed to escape being victimized by the meanie lady. Sorry to say the way she conducts her facilitation bores me.. to tears. zZzZ. Seriously she needs major consideration in getting a new job.. one which doesn't require enthusiasm. Like Seriously dude.. Sorry to say this.. U suck at your job.

I had a hell of a great time after school. Went for a mini reunion made up of 5 gals. haha. They were closefriends of mine during my ITE days back in Tampines. It's really great to meet up finally after like forever.. haha. We had steamboat. Laugh our asses off and ate our hearts out. I did not ate much though. Maybe because I did not had anything except for sandwiches and my stomach bloated with air which leaves to limited compartment. Excuses.?? NOPE! seriously dude.. I got full so fast. We then chilled at Mac Cafe for awhile.. and went separate ways. Though the meeting was short. I had a great time and it was really good to see them.. You guys are gonna be missed!

Took the train home.. I was smiling all throughout the train ride. . Tanx for sharing the indulgence. I have the sweetest friends ever. I felt so blessed. You will always be a part of me..

2:50 AM

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The KEY word for today is Mood swings. Why do we have them? Especially us, the ones from Venus. Premenstrual Syndrome PMS? Is that the real reason or just an excuse to get mad at the world at the slightest of things. Sometimes I feel so angry.. and mad.. but at what? at who? somehow it all comes back to me that I aint got the slightest clue. A tangle of emotional turmoil all jumbled up in one MAJOR MOOD SWING. One second I could be laughing and smiling and another minute, just something small had to tick my bomb and it all swings drastically to anger. It surprises me at times at these incidents. It is really really difficult to control. Maybe I should probably take classes from Mr Hulk. "Breathe in.. Breathe out.." I need a break from whatever it is that is causing me to have these 'Mood seizures' moments. Someone get me a punching bag pls. ANGER Management candidate-> Fitancredi.

4:16 PM

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Welcome to my new space. Credits goes to Mr Fake moustache. LOL. Guess what?!I'm pretty psyched about having a new blog. A start of a new beginning, how exciting! (molly's under one roof version) Ok that was random. Anyways just wanted to officially publish my first ever entry in my 'Rockstar Wannabe' themed blogspot. So brace yourselves to more silly, happy, grumpy, exhilarating, outrageous moments in the life of Fitancredi... or not. lol.


11:54 AM



-[Liyana TC]-
-[Firli Floorball]-
-[Imz Floorball]-
-[Fai Floorball]-
-[faqeh Floorball]-
-[Aisyah E24R]-
-[Rai REPLUG]-
-[Yan RP]-
-[Ais RP]-
-[asrenee TC/RP]-
-[Dhivv REPLUG]-
-[Mustika REPLUG]-
-[cass RP]-
-[Bad RP]-
-[kamiliya TC]-
-[Salome RP]-
-[Wesley RP]-
-[Justin RP]-
-[Raihana TC]-
-[Myra TC]-
-[Amalina TC]-
-[Naztasya TC]-
-[qistina TC]-
-[saswan TC]-
-[zana TC]-
